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#include <cusp/multiply.h>
#include <cusp/print.h>
// This example shows how to wrap "raw" host and device memory
// with a csr_matrix_view. This situation arises when interfacing
// Cusp with data that is managed externally. Once raw data has
// been appropriately wrapped the csr_matrix_view can be used
// in Cusp algorithms like cusp::copy() and cusp::multiply()
// just like a csr_matrix container.
// Example Matrix:
// [10 0 20]
// [ 0 0 0]
// [ 0 0 30]
// [40 50 60]
int main(void)
// CSR format in raw host memory
int host_Ap[5] = {0,2,2,3,6}; // CSR row pointer
int host_Aj[6] = {0,2,2,0,1,2}; // CSR column indices
float host_Ax[6] = {10,20,30,40,50,60}; // CSR values
// x and y arrays in host memory
float host_x[3] = {1,1,1};
float host_y[4] = {0,0,0,0};
// allocate device memory for CSR format
int * device_Ap;
cudaMalloc(&device_Ap, 5 * sizeof(int));
int * device_Aj;
cudaMalloc(&device_Aj, 6 * sizeof(int));
float * device_Ax;
cudaMalloc(&device_Ax, 6 * sizeof(float));
// allocate device memory for x and y arrays
float * device_x;
cudaMalloc(&device_x, 3 * sizeof(float));
float * device_y;
cudaMalloc(&device_y, 4 * sizeof(float));
// copy raw data from host to device
cudaMemcpy(device_Ap, host_Ap, 5 * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(device_Aj, host_Aj, 6 * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(device_Ax, host_Ax, 6 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(device_x, host_x, 3 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(device_y, host_y, 4 * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// wrap the host memory with a csr_matrix_view
// use array1d_view to wrap the individual arrays
typedef typename cusp::array1d_view<int *> HostIndexArrayView;
typedef typename cusp::array1d_view<float *> HostValueArrayView;
HostIndexArrayView row_offsets (host_Ap, host_Ap + 5);
HostIndexArrayView column_indices(host_Aj, host_Aj + 6);
HostValueArrayView values (host_Ax, host_Ax + 6);
HostValueArrayView x (host_x, host_x + 3);
HostValueArrayView y (host_y, host_y + 4);
// combine the three array1d_views into a csr_matrix_view
typedef cusp::csr_matrix_view<HostIndexArrayView,
HostValueArrayView> HostView;
HostView A(4, 3, 6, row_offsets, column_indices, values);
// print view
std::cout << "\nhost csr_matrix_view" << std::endl;
// compute y = A* x
cusp::multiply(A, x, y);
// print x
std::cout << "\nx array" << std::endl;
// print y
std::cout << "\n y array, y = A * x" << std::endl;
// wrap the device memory with a csr_matrix_view
// *NOTE* raw pointers must be wrapped with thrust::device_ptr!
thrust::device_ptr<int> wrapped_device_Ap(device_Ap);
thrust::device_ptr<int> wrapped_device_Aj(device_Aj);
thrust::device_ptr<float> wrapped_device_Ax(device_Ax);
thrust::device_ptr<float> wrapped_device_x(device_x);
thrust::device_ptr<float> wrapped_device_y(device_y);
// use array1d_view to wrap the individual arrays
typedef typename cusp::array1d_view< thrust::device_ptr<int> > DeviceIndexArrayView;
typedef typename cusp::array1d_view< thrust::device_ptr<float> > DeviceValueArrayView;
DeviceIndexArrayView row_offsets (wrapped_device_Ap, wrapped_device_Ap + 5);
DeviceIndexArrayView column_indices(wrapped_device_Aj, wrapped_device_Aj + 6);
DeviceValueArrayView values (wrapped_device_Ax, wrapped_device_Ax + 6);
DeviceValueArrayView x (wrapped_device_x, wrapped_device_x + 3);
DeviceValueArrayView y (wrapped_device_y, wrapped_device_y + 4);
// combine the three array1d_views into a csr_matrix_view
typedef cusp::csr_matrix_view<DeviceIndexArrayView,
DeviceValueArrayView> DeviceView;
DeviceView A(4, 3, 6, row_offsets, column_indices, values);
// print view
std::cout << "\ndevice csr_matrix_view" << std::endl;
// compute y = A* x
cusp::multiply(A, x, y);
// print x
std::cout << "\nx array" << std::endl;
// print y
std::cout << "\n y array, y = A * x" << std::endl;
// free device arrays
return 0;