cusp | |
precond | |
aggregation | |
smoothed_aggregation | Algebraic multigrid preconditoner based on smoothed aggregation |
scaled_bridson_ainv | |
bridson_ainv | |
nonsym_bridson_ainv | |
diagonal | Diagonal preconditoner (aka Jacobi preconditioner) |
relaxation | |
gauss_seidel | Represents a Gauss-Seidel relaxation scheme |
jacobi | Represents a Jacobi relaxation scheme |
polynomial | Represents a Polynomial relaxation scheme |
sor | Represents a Successive Over-Relaxation relaxation scheme |
array1d_view | The array1d_view class is a 1D vector container that wraps data from various iterators in a array1d datatype |
array1d | The array1d class is a 1D vector container that may contain elements stored in "host" or "device" memory space |
counting_array | Specialized array1d_view wrapping thrust::counting_iterator |
constant_array | Specialized array1d_view wrapping thrust::constant_iterator |
random_array | Specialized array1d_view wrapping cusp::random_iterator |
array2d | The array2d class is a 2D vector container that may contain elements stored in "host" or "device" memory space |
array2d_view | The array2d_view is a view of a array2d container |
coo_matrix | Coordinate (COO) representation a sparse matrix |
coo_matrix_view | View of a coo_matrix |
csr_matrix_view | View of a csr_matrix |
csr_matrix | Compressed sparse row (CSR) representation a sparse matrix |
dia_matrix_view | View of a dia_matrix |
dia_matrix | Diagonal (DIA) representation a sparse matrix |
ell_matrix | Packed row (ELLPACK/ITPACK) representation of a sparse matrix |
ell_matrix_view | View of a ell_matrix |
hyb_matrix | Hybrid (HYB) representation a sparse matrix |
hyb_matrix_view | View of a hyb_matrix |
permutation_matrix_view | View of a permutation_matrix |
permutation_matrix | Simple representation a permutation matrix |
plus_value | plus_value is a function object to add a constant value to a given element |
divide_value | divide_value is a function object to divide a given element by a constant value |
modulus_value | modulus_value is a function object that computes the modulus of a given element by a constant value |
multiplies_value | multiplies_value is a function object that computes the multiply of a given element by a constant value |
greater_value | greater_value is a function object that compares a given element with a constant value |
greater_equal_value | greater_equal_value is a function object that compares a given element with a constant value |
less_value | less_value is a function object that compares a given element with a constant value |
less_equal_value | less_equal_value is a function object that compares a given element with a constant value |
constant_functor | constant_functor is a function object returns a constant value, ignores the input |
square_functor | square_functor is a function object that computes the square (x*x) of a given element |
sqrt_functor | sqrt_functor is a function object that computes the square root of a given element |
reciprocal_functor | reciprocal_functor is a function object computes the reciprocal, 1/x, of a given element |
abs_functor | abs_functor is a function object that computes the absolute value of a given element |
abs_squared_functor | abs_squared_functor is a function object that computes the square of the absolute value of a given element |
conj_functor | conj_functor is a function object that computes the conjugate of a given element |
norm_functor | norm_functor is a function object that computes the norm of a given element |
sum_pair_functor | sum_pair_functor is a function object that computes the sum of a 2 element tuple |
divide_pair_functor | divide_pair_functor is a function object that divides the first element of a 2 element tuple by the second element |
equal_pair_functor | equal_pair_functor is a function object that compares 2 element tuple entries |
not_equal_pair_functor | not_equal_pair_functor is a function object that compares 2 element tuple entries |
linear_operator | Abstract representation of a linear operator |
identity_operator | Simple identity operator |
monitor | Implements standard convergence criteria and reporting for iterative solvers |
convergence_monitor | |
default_monitor | |
verbose_monitor | |
join_iterator | RandomAccessIterator for access to array entries from two concatenated iterators |
random_iterator | Iterator for generating random values |
strided_iterator | RandomAccessIterator for strided access to array entries |